Quartz Grains Usage in Artificial Marble slabs Manufacturing Industry

We Arihant min chem India Manufacturer and exporter of Quartz grains. We are manufacturing best quality of quartz grains. We Arihant Min chem India best manufacturer of quartz grains. Quartz grains are uses in Artificial marble slabs. For manufacturing Artificial marble slabs quartz grains are very useful. Quarts grains are main ingredient for manufacturing Artificial marble slabs. We Arihant min chem India best manufacturer and exporter of Quartz grains. In Artificial Marble slabs quartz grains are used which are very high quality and very high grade. Only snow white and super snow white quartz grains are used in Artificial Marble slabs manufacturing industry. We Arihant min chem India manufacturing snow white and super snow white Artifical marble slabs manufacturer. We Arihant min chem India best manufacturer and exporter of quartz grains factory located in India. we Arihant Min chem India manufacturing different sizes of quartz grains which are 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm , 0.4 mm to 0.6mm , 0.7 mm to 1,2 mm , 1.2 mm to 2,4 mm quartz grains manufacturer in India. we Arihant min chem India snow white and super snow white quartz grains manufacturer in India. we are manufacturing quartz grains which are useful in manufacturing Artificial quartz slabs and so many other usage . We Arihant Min chem India best manufacturer and exporter of Quartz grains. We Are best manufacturer and exporter.

Qualities of Quartz grains which are use for manufacturing Artificial Marble Slabs : we Arihant Min chem India best manufacturer and exporter of Quartz grains we are manufacturing all sizes of quartz grains. There is some qualities require which has to be achieved for manufacturing quartz slabs. Quartz grains should be accurate in sizes like sizes should be perfect like 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm , 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm , 0.7 mm to 1.2 mm , 1.2 mm to 2.4 mm this are the regular sizes of quartz grains. Quartz grains should be pure white it means whiteness should be 95 % plus so that quartz grains are useful for manufacturing Artificial marble slabs. In quartz always iron content present we should be remove iron content at the time of manufacturing removing of iron content it is very important because if iron content is present in quartz grains than in slabs we will see black spot on the slabs if iron content is not available in quartz slabs visible plain and best quality. Quartz grains should be free from iron. Pure white grains is only selected for artificial marble slabs. Silica content should be 99.99 % below this there is no  use of quartz grains. So this are the basic qualities of artificial marble slabs quartz grains.  We Arihant Min chem India manufacturing monthly 4000 metric ton quartz grains in our factory we are packaging quartz grains in 25 kg bags, 50 kg bags , 1 ton jumbo bags as per customer requirements we are manufacturing quartz grains. Some companies also manufacturing commercial grade  Artificial Marble slabs in that quality Iron content quartz is also approve. But for premium quality Artificial Marble slabs only snow white quartz grains are applicable. Manufacturing of Quartz slabs Quartz grains are very technical because we have to concern the quality of because removing iron content from quartz it is very challenging task. Cleaning and selection of quartz lumps should be perfect and 100% accurate quartz grains only use for manufacturing quartz slabs. We Arihant Min chem manufacturing all grade of quartz grains for various industries.

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